


2008年大友孝彰トリオでBillBoard大阪に出演。また、自身が作曲編曲を手掛けるジャズバンド「muz.quartet」の1stアルバムリリース。2008年に自身初のリーダーアルバム「Nightmare」をリリース。2013年にはLewis Nashと大阪B-roxyにて共演する。

2014年にニューヨークに拠点を移し、現地ミュージシャンとセッションを重ねる。Kitano, St Peter’s Church, Minton’s, Blues Alley, Cleopatra’s Needle, Arturo’s, Cornelia Street Cafe, 55barなどで演奏する。

共演したミュージシャンには、Jay Clayton, Rodney Green, Lonnie Plaxico, John Burr, Jim Commack, Carol Fredette, Gerry Gibbs, Jerome Jennings など多数。

2017年にはBernard Hofferのプロデュースにより「New Kid In Town」をアメリカのレーベルAlbany Recordよりリリースし、ジャズウィークチャートでは最高11位を記録し各地で好評を得る。2018年には、アメリカを代表するジャズ雑誌「Downbeat magazine」にも取り上げられる。


Takaaki Otomo

jazz piainist, arranger, composer

Takaaki Otomo is a jazz piano player based in NYC, originally from Hyogo,Japan. He began playing classical piano at the age of 5. At 15, he encountered jazz music by listening to Oscar Peterson.

Studying under Tadao Kitano, one of the most renowned players in western Japan, he proved his ability by becoming the first winner of the grand prize at the Kobe Next Jazz Competition in October 2007. He moved to NYC in 2014.

Since he moved to NYC, both as a leader and a sideman he has played at numerous jazz venues in NYC, such as Jazz at Kitano, St. Peter’s Church, Minton’s, Blues Alley, Cleopatra's needle, Arturo's, Cornelia Street cafe, 55bar etc.

He has had the privilege to perform with Jay Clayton, Rodney Green, Lonnie Plaxico, John Burr, Jim Commack, Carol Fredette, Gerry Gibbs, and Jerome Jennings.

In 2017, he released "New Kid In Town" produced by Bernard Hoffer with Noriko Ueda(bass) and Jared Schonig(drums).

He was interviewed by Downbeat Magazine in April 2018. Phillip Lutz wrote "His improvisations float easily above the rhythmic and harmonic shifts, straying just far enough from the tonal center to add interest without calling undue attention to themselves.".